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How You Can Prepare for Home Solar Installation

Hibu Websites • October 19, 2021

Solar power is the most abundant renewable energy source on Earth. It's also one of the cleanest and cheapest sources of electricity, and it doesn't produce any harmful emissions. But how do you prepare for a solar installation? Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Research Your Options

You should always do your research before making any big decisions, but this is especially true when installing solar panels at home because there are so many factors involved (e.g., size of roof space, location). The best way to start researching your options is by contacting local companies that offer
home solar installation services or visiting their websites/online listings. These sites will provide information about the different types of solar panels available, what they're best used for, etc.

2. Think About Roof Space

If you have a conventional roof with no additional structure built on top, then your home is probably already capable of supporting solar panel installations. However, if any obstacles cannot be removed or fixed shortly before installation, you may run into problems. These obstacles include:

  • The roof is not strong enough to support the weight of the panels and, in some cases, their mounting brackets
  • Trees, chimneys, and other parts of the house cast shadows on portions of your roof
  • The roof is too steep for panels to be mounted in a secure manner

3. Check for Local Requirements

Most cities and towns have certain restrictions when it comes to installing solar panels. For example, they may require that your system meets specific durability or performance standards. You should also check whether there are any restrictions on what you can do with the excess power that you generate with your solar array.

4. Examine Potential Income Sources

The energy that you produce with your home solar installation can either be used to power your home or sold back to the utility company (assuming that such a program is available in your region). If you decide to sell any of your power, you should find out about the rates available in your area and any restrictions related to selling power back to the utility.

According to industry experts, most solar panels have a 20-year warranty, but many of the first-installed ones are still functioning at 80% or more efficiency after 40 years. Solar panels are environmentally friendly, produce zero emissions, and have no running costs. If you are thinking of making the switch to green energy, call us today.

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